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Intero Digital guest blog: Introduction to Amazon marketing

Thus far in our Digital Marketing 101 blog series, we’ve covered SEO, SEM, and both SMA and SMM. Here, we’ll be covering another major channel with the potential to drive sales and how to leverage it to your benefit. This channel happens to be one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Yes, we’re talking about the biggest e-commerce platform in the world – Amazon. Wondering how to market on Amazon or even “what is Amazon marketing?” We answer those questions and more below.

In the digital commerce landscape, Amazon is a giant. The platform accounted for nearly 57% of all e-commerce sales in the US in 2021, and it receives over two billion visits worldwide every month. Additionally, Amazon Prime subscribers spend $51-$100 a month on the site. Amazon’s popularity presents many new opportunities for businesses to sell their products and reach target audiences, but practically every other company is trying to do so as well – there are hundreds of millions of unique product listings. While there is a sea of competitors on Amazon, there is also the potential for a lot of visibility and sales. Amazon marketing is how your organization can stand out.

What is Amazon marketing?

So, what is Amazon marketing? Put simply, Amazon marketing is the process of promoting a brand and its products on Amazon using proven promotional strategies and tactics. The primary goal of Amazon marketing is to amplify brand presence and increase the visibility of products to attract more buyers and boost revenue.

Amazon marketing includes elements that are similar to two other digital marketing channels we have covered in previous blogs – SEO and SEM. In the same way that websites are optimized for Google’s search algorithm to rank higher, product listings are optimized for Amazon’s search algorithm, so they rank higher on relevant results pages. There are best practices for optimizing every element of a product listing, from the title all the way down to the reviews and ratings. Amazon also offers a service called Amazon Advertising, which works similarly to the pay-per-click ads Google offers through Google Ads. Both products and brands can

If you know SEO and SEM, you already have a good idea of how to advertise on Amazon. However, there are some important distinctions to make. For example, Amazon takes a different approach to keywords than a search engine like Google. When users search for something on Amazon, they are likely looking for something specific, and they are further along the sales funnel. Thus, keywords on Amazon are almost entirely product focused.

The Importance of Amazon Marketing

Knowing how to market on Amazon is important for a number of reasons. Most obvious is the fact that if you don’t effectively market your products on Amazon, no one will be able to find them. By making your products more visible to users – users that are further down the sales funnel and potentially ready to buy right then and there – you can make more sales.

In addition to driving revenue in the short term, Amazon marketing can also build brand loyalty and make it easier to position and promote new products because you have already created the foundation to do so. Furthermore, with Amazon’s massive reach that should only continue to grow, establishing good Amazon marketing practices now will only benefit you in the future as the platform attracts more and more users.

About Intero Digital

Intero Digital is a one-stop shop for all your digital marketing needs. The leading digital marketing firm offers a suite of digital marketing services that will help businesses grow to the next level and uses proprietary, cutting-edge technology to deliver results. Contact them to learn more about their end-to-end digital marketing solutions today!


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